Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The debate...

Thanks again to Timothy and Chris for the input offered on whether or not to insulate an old stone-walled basement. After doing research on the subject - it seems that opinions are quite varied! Some seem to think that insulating an old stone wall will lead to further damage down the road - as it will speed deterioration. Others believe this is only true of particular circumstances where the basement insulation is already showing damage and wear.

With interior insulation being the first on our to-do list (we should be starting in about 2 weeks) - we want to be sure we're doing the right thing for our home! We still have time... and we're still researching.

Thanks for the feedback - and the continued support!

Have any of you started your own eco-audit adventures? If so - share your stories with me! What are you doing? When? What do you plan to save?

I'd love to hear from you!

1 comment:

  1. Hey there Kylee,
    We're just down the road from you in Jasper. We went ahead and got our eco-audit done. Used the same guy you did... Derrick out of Kemptville.
    We too live in a not so new home. No records to prove when it was built but, everyone seems to think it's about 50 - 60 years old.
    We were rated at 41% energy efficient.... even less than your rating! Can you believe that? No wonder our heating (oil) bill was running about $100 to $125/week during our first winter here.
    We are going to be looking into the simple and most easily fixed things first. Insulating the attic and crawl space. The two areas we are losing most of our heat through.
    Thanks for your blog. It sure has helped me on the way to making our home more energy efficient.

    Oh and in the mail two days ago was the paperwork to fill out, send back in and then to receive our eco-audit rebate from the government.... sweet!
