Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A closer look...

April 4 is only 10 days away!!!

If you're anything like me, you're pretty sick of winter. In fact, I was done with winter about a week after Christmas! Don't get me wrong, I can appreciate the changing of the seasons and the beauty of a snowfall - but I'm a perpetually cold person. I am so ready to be warm again!

What does this have to do with our audit? A lot.

You might not be able to tell from the picture - but we have an old house. We estimate it was built in the late 1800's. Although the previous owners did a great job remodeling most of the interior, it's no secret - older homes are notoriously inefficient.

Right now, our primary heat source is an old (my husband estimates 15 years) oil furnace complimented by a pellet stove we installed last year.
For the most part, we keep our furnace set at 15 degrees (about 13 at night) and pump the pellet stove depending on how cold it is outside. I think the warmest I remember seeing the thermostat (yes, even on those coldest days), was 19.5.

I know what you're thinking - I own a lot of sweaters.

Although my husband is always about 10 degrees warmer than I am - this isn't ideal. It's the byproduct of a small budget coupled with an inefficient furnace and poorly insulated house.

While there's not much I can do about my budget, I know the purpose of this audit is to explore options to help me stretch these very important heating dollars further.

On April 4, I look forward to talking with the guys from Sauve Heating and Merkley Drywall and Insulation to help make this happen.

Until then... fleece, afghans, tea, and hot chocolate remain my constant winter companions!

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