Tuesday, June 30, 2009

House guests...

With the appearance of summer, and as we start planning our interior and exterior home insulation, we've also started thinking about how nice it will be to have our home mostly sealed from creepy-crawlers. In my husband's case - this means spiders and for me - earwigs! (ew)

But - it wasn't until just recently that I realized this is also true of some of the bigger critters, too.

I was out hanging clothes on the line when I noticed a pretty unsightly pile of droppings below a vent hole in an unused chimney on the side of our house. It didn't take much to determine they were bat droppings. A lot of bat droppings.

While I have nothing against bats - and am actually happy to have them around, I know they're not the best thing for a home! Some facts (from the Humane Wildlife Control website):

1 - Bats can eat up to 3,000 insects in one night! Yes, that includes mosquitoes. On the flip side, if they're roosting in your home, they can also cause odor, damage and contamination.

2- Bat colonies can range from one to several hundred. Judging from the pile of droppings we have accumulating - we're definitely looking at more than one!!

3 - Bat colonies double in size every year. Unless they're removed (and the home sealed), bats do tend to return to the same property each year.

4 - Bats can bite. Although the rumors of bats getting tangled in your hair or sucking your blood are false, they can bite and are the most common carriers of rabies.

5 - A bat can produce several times its weight in waste each month. If inhaled, the droppings can actually cause histoplasmosis (identified as having flu-like symptoms).

6 - A bat can fit in a hole the size of a dime. Experts say that sealing the hole isn't good enough as the decay can cause waste and damage. The most effective way to deal with a bat colony is to get rid of all the bats and completely seal the entire building from further entry.

So, looks like we'll have to address our bat problem before we start insulating. I'm hoping we can find a new home on the property for our bat friends - because without a screened-in porch, we'll need all the help we can get against the mosquitoes!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Isn't it pretty?

Well, she's in! And I have to say - part of me even considered wishing it was colder so we could fire her up!
I know! Crazy....
Don't worry, that thought-process didn't last too long!
Sauve Heating did a fantastic job installing the equipment - which involved taking out our old oil tank and switching everything over to propane!
I included the picture to the right to hopefully remind you that not only do these upgrades mean a more efficient (and less-expensive to operate) home - but they also mean even more money back in your pockets. In the case of our instantaneous hot water heater - $630!
If this year has shown us anything, it's that we all need play a part in protecting our environment - and the economy. How great to be able to do both at once!

Monday, June 1, 2009


I'm happy to report that the waiting game is over!

Just like our water heater, our furnace has recently decided that it's insulted with the idea of being replaced and has stopped working just to prove this point. Fortunately, it's been pretty warm, so this hasn't been a huge issue - but talk about timing!

Luckily - try as they may - their attempts are wasted. In just a few short days, I'll be the proud new owner of an instantaneous hot water heater, a high-efficiency propane furnace and HRV system. The many years my husband has spent trying to get me to appreciate the amazing qualities of these units must finally be rubbing off on me - I'm excited!

And, because a high-efficiency furnace installed in poorly insulated home will still result in hard-earned dollars leaking out the windows (and doors, and cracks in the basement, etc) - we have our basement-insulation appointment scheduled shortly after.

I appreciate the feedback I've received about whether or not an older home like ours should consider foam insulation - but after much consultation and research, we are confident this is the right choice for us! As always - be sure to do your own research to make sure you're doing what's right for your own home.

This is the exciting part - because once these upgrades are finished, we're one step closer to grant money in our pockets!!

Stay tuned!